Wednesday, November 18, 2009

World Bank Board Broadens Access in New Disclosure Policy - Update, November 18, 2009

Washington, DC - The World Bank's executive directors November 17 approved a new policy on access to information that will mean significantly more transparency about Bank decision-making and operations.

The Bank's press release said, "The new policy represents a fundamental shift in the Bank's approach to disclosure of information--moving from an approach that spells out what documents it can disclose to one under which the Bank will disclose any information in its possession that is not on a list of exceptions."

Although just such a shift was pushed by transparency advocates, the final product was weakened in their eyes by the breadth of the exemptions. Nevertheless, the new policy is expected to provide considerably more access to materials about projects and policies under preparation and how they are implemented.


Supreme Court of Nepal Rejected to Issue an Interim Order

In a first-ever case on Right to Information in the Supreme Court after the promulgation of Right to Information Act 2007, the apex court decided not to issue an interim order as sought by the writ petitioner Tribhuvan University. Division Bench of honorable Justices Khilraj Regmi and Abadesh Kumar Yadav were not convinced that there is a need to issue an interim order to stop Information Commission from considering appeals filed against the University.

Tribhuvan University, the oldest university of the country went to the Court when the National Information Commission (NIC) ordered it last month to provide the copy of marked answer sheets as demanded by one of its student. TU petitioned the SC to quash the order made by NIC compelling it to provide answer sheets and demanded an interim order.

Organizations working for Right to Information and Human Rights lawyer expressed their keen interest in the case and were present in the Court pleading on behalf of National information Commission. Senior Advocate Krishna Prasad Bhandari, Advocates Raman Shrestha, Madhav Basnet and Santosh Sigdel had assisted the NIC in this preliminary hearing.

The Supreme Court also decided to hear this case on priority basis.

Monday, November 16, 2009

In Shanghai, President Obama Recognizes Access to Information as Universal Right

Shanghai, China — On his first trip to Asia, President Obama made unequivocal statements about access to information as a universal human right at a rare town-hall style meeting of university students November 16. Over 2 years ago, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Open Government Information (OGI Regulations) were published on April 24, 2007, and became effective one year later—a turning point for the deeply ingrained culture of government secrecy in China.

Speaking about the sometimes strained relationship between the US and China, President Obama made what the media is calling “delicately balanced message” that both admonishes the Chinese government and tries to encourage cooperation:

“We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, but we also don't believe that the principles that we stand for are unique to our nation. These freedoms of expression and worship—of access to information and political participation—we believe are universal rights. We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation, but we also don't believe that the principles that we stand for are unique to our nation. These freedoms of expression and worship—of access to information and political participation—we believe are universal rights.”

Even though the town-hall meeting was available through a live feed on the White House website, TV coverage was restricted to Shanghai. Still, many thousands people throughout China attended the event virtually in classrooms, coffee houses, living rooms, and at “watch parties” organized by the U.S. Embassy and Consulates. The President also spoke at length about how technology has facilitated free information, diversity, and openness, thus inspiring innovation, creativity, and even strength.

“But I am a big believer in technology and I'm a big believer in openness when it comes to the flow of information. I think that the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable. They can begin to think for themselves. That generates new ideas. It encourages creativity."

“And so I've always been a strong supporter of open Internet use. I'm a big supporter of non-censorship. This is part of the tradition of the United States that I discussed before, and I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have free Internet—or unrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged.”

President Obama had met President Hu Jintao when he first arrived in China and meets again November 17 with President Hu and other Chinese leaders to discuss climate change, trade, North Korea, and Iran. White House aides have said Obama will raise several human rights issues privately with Chinese leaders.

Friday, November 13, 2009

TU challenged the decision of National Information Commission

The Tribhuvan University filed a writ petition on 11 November 2009 against the decision made by the National Information Commission (NIC). Last month the NIC had decided that students have the right to get a copy of answer sheet when result of examination is published.

In the writ petition filed by the Registrar of Tribhuvan University and Chairperson of Examination Board Mr. Bhimraj Adhikari, it is claimed that the decision of NIC is against the policy decision of government on maintaining the secrecy of examination and against the law. Similarly, TU had claimed that the answer sheet falls under the classified information according the to the classification made by the government and asked for stay order against the decision of NIC.

In a decision last month the NIC directed the TU to provide copy of answer sheet without revealing the name of examiner if a student apply for a copy before answer sheets are destroyed pursuant to TU regulation. NIC had interpreted that the right to information covers the right of the students to get copies of their answer sheet.
Under the education policy of Nepal there is no provision allowing students to get copy of their answer sheets. It seemed possible only after enactment of RTI Act 2007.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baburam Bhattarai Files for Defamation

KATHMANDU, Nov 10: Vice-Chairman of Unified CPN- Maoist Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai has filed a defamation case at Kathmandu District Court against Tarun, accusing the weekly newspaper of publishing ´misleading´ material aimed at character assassination.

Tarun, which is close to the Nepali Congress, published an article accusing Bhattarai of involvement in a dirty game to become the next prime minister of Nepal under designs of India´s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

Bhattarai said “Though we know that the existing judiciary is not effective, I moved the court as we had no option.”

The article written by Dirgha Raj Prasain under the heading “Let´s unmask and eliminate the traitors” (Desh Drohi Ko Biruddha Khaando Jagaaun) says “RAW wants Dr Babu Ram Bhattarai to be the next prime minister of Nepal by undermining parties like Nepali Congress and CPN-UML so that Nepal´s fate could be like that of Sikkim in the hands of Lendup Dorje”.

Bhattarai said he never played such a role against the country.

The writer, publisher and editor, assistant editor, managing director of Tarun are defendants in the case.

Bhattarai has sought maximum sentence under the defamation act. The act says offenders will be fined up to Rs. 5,000 and sentenced to jail for up to two years.

Prasain accused him of working against the national interest and serving Indian interests to become prime minister.